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Brotherhood T-shirt
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Brotherhood Hoodie
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Not only have I found new teachers, I have found a new Kenpo family!
I consider these people my brothers and sisters!
— Donie Bufalo
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The mission of the International Brotherhood of Kenpo Karate is to proudly share the mat with anyone who wants to train and learn from each other.  We may wear different patches, have different kenpo lineages, styles and ideas, but we are all willing to exchange thoughts, provide insight, and accept feedback about the art we share.


Our Brotherhood instructors open their minds to new ideas and allow students to train with other experienced instructors outside their own circles.  Discoveries will be made; some good and some bad, but it is a process in which we all learn and discover together!   In fact, we may learn that we are doing something wrong, different, or better yet, that we are doing something right!  


We believe in comparing and contrasting our art with other kenpoists, creating an environment where everyone can explore and learn from each other.  Together we can discover and formulate the equation that makes each individuals kenpo work best for them.  Brotherhood/Sisterhood is the key to success!


We will train with whoever shares our goals, values and morals within the art. We will not look at patches or associations to determine where we train and where we learn. We believe that we all have something to offer.  We strive to emulate GM Frank Trejo, to be welcomed wherever we go and to train with everyone because of our love for kenpo karate.  The Brotherhood continues to grow!

About Us

About Us

I’ve been an active member of the Brotherhood since March 2015 when I attended my first Brotherhood event. I joined because the Brotherhood instructors possess all-encompassing Kenpo knowledge that leaves you feeling as if no stone has been unturned within the material that was instructed. It’s not about rank; it’s about training, learning, sharing, growing and laughing. Attend a Brotherhood event, and I guarantee that you will not only have plenty of bruises from your training partner, but also with sore cheeks from smiling.
— Stephanie Hammond


Individual Membership

$50.00 (12 Months)

  • Member ID Card

  • Brotherhood Patch

  • 10% Discount on Merchandise

  • Discount on Events Entry Fee

  • Members ONLY Web Based Training Tips Videos



Mr. Sibora Chan

9th Degree Black Belt  •  Founder/President

  • Owner and operator of Tribal Kenpo Karate, LLC.. based in Hampstead, Maryland

  • 2023 Recognized and Inducted Into the "Kenpo Trust' Legacy of GM Joe Palanzo

  • 2022 Inducted Into the Society of Ancient Warriors

  • 2022 Martial Arts Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient

  • 2022 Presidential Community Service Award Recipient

  • 2022 Kenpo Karate Instructor of the Year Award

  • 2021 Appointed as the 'Ambassador' of Sport Karate Museum, Houston, TX

  • 2019 Honoree of The Journey Book 3: American Kenpo's Next Generations

  • Over 39 years of Kenpo teaching experience

  • Over 30 years of seminar teaching experience

  • Founder of Advanced Defensive Tactics System (A.D.T.S) 

  • Five-time Hall of Fame Inductee

  • Certified Israeli Military Defensive Tactics Instructor

  • Certified Firearms and Tactical Knife Fighting Instructor

  • Former National Fighting Champion

If you would like to speak directly to Sibora, you can do so at

Mr. Angelo Collado

9th Degree Black Belt  •  Executive Board Member

Angelo Collado is an 8th degree black belt under GM Yoshio Furuya and GM Frank Trejo. Mr. Collado has 40 plus years in the arts and has many accomplishments; 14x Long Beach International Karate Black Belt Forms Champion,4x IKC Grand Champion and 5x European IKC Forms Champion. Mr. Collado was also inducted into the Masters Hall of Fame in 2000  for his competition achievements worldwide; he was a member of team USA from 1998 -2004 as well.  As an instructor, Mr. Collado has traveled to Spain, England, Holland, Denmark, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Portugal, Mexico, New Zealand, Italy and throughout the USA, to share his knowledge of the arts with Martial Artists, Law Enforcement and Military Tactical teams. Mr. Collado owned  and operated schools in Albuquerque, Tucson, and Los Angeles and has brought up a generation of blackbelt students; he continues to teach and train every week at schools throughout Los Angeles as well.  Mr. Collado has also coached, trained and taught numerous IKC champions.  Mr. Collado is the co-founder, along with Tuhon Steve Tarani, of the Kenpo Karambit Association; he and his son AJ also founded the Kenpo based tactical fighting/edged weapon defense system called A.S.T.A.S.I.A.  Mr. Collado is a published author in various Martial Arts magazines as well as Muscle and Fitness magazine; he has written several books on Martial Arts Training and Rehabilitation. Mr. Collado is a Licensed Registered Sports Medicine Therapist and Certified Athletic Trainer in the State of California with experience rehabilitating High School athletes, Olympic team members and Professional athletes back to world class competition levels.  He believes in the mantra that "You must learn to heal before you can harm." 

Mr. Dan Meck

8th Degree Black Belt   •   Co-Founder/Vice President

Dan is the owner of META Martial Arts, and the co-founder of the Brotherhood.  Dan began training in 1985, and has been working as a martial arts instructor since 1989.  Dan earned his seventh degree in kenpo from Frank Trejo in 2013. Dan has trained all over the globe learning from some of the best martial artists in the world. Believing that cross training is the key to knowledge, Dan has trained in Kenpo, boxing, kickboxing, various Filipino martial arts, and Bando.  As a result, Dan has been sought after to share his knowledge.  Dan has taught all over the US, Canada, Barbados, the Philippines, England, Germany, Chile, and France. If you would like to speak directly to Dan you can do so at

Mr. Mark Lawler

9th Degree Black Belt  •  Executive Board Member

Professor Mark Lawler is an eighth degree black in Kenpo Karate. He began his training in 1978 at American Karate Studio in Wilmington Delaware, where he taught for 12 years under Pat Caputo. He also competed actively from the 1980s into the early 90s. Mark was a personal student of Joe Palanzo from 1990 until 2003, he also has trained with Kenpo Masters Frank Trejo and Huk Planas. Since that time, Mark has trained extensively in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Boxing and Kickboxing, Bando and Escrima. Mark has has owned and operated Lawler's Kenpo Karate in Kennett Square Pa. since 1992. A well known representative of Kenpo, Mark has taught many seminars in the eastern USA and Canada,


formerly for the WKKA, independently, and now for the Kenpo Brotherhood. From 1995 to 2003, Mark served as Chief Arbitrator for the Worldwide Kenpo Karate Association as well as Co-Captain of the WKKA National Demo Team.

In 1999, Mark was a consultant to former St. Louis Rams head coach Dick Vermiel on the use of Martial Arts based drills to enhance the performance of Pro football players. Since 1999, Professor Lawler has been with West Chester University of Pennsylvania where he teaches

in the department of Kinesiology. His classes include Strength Training and Personal Self Defense. Mark's knowlege of Martial arts, weight training and fitness have made him a sought after Personal trainer. An accomplished guitarist, Mark recorded an instrumental guitar album titled ZERO HOUR in London England for AVN Records in 1990. His band MELTDOWN was featured on local radio and in the Netherlands in the late 1980's. Mark continues to perform and record with his band in the Philadelphia area.

Mr. Brian Sahl

6th Degree Black Belt

Brian Sahl has been training in Kenpo Karate for over 28 years and is a 6th degree black belt under Grandmaster Frank Trejo.  Brian has been teaching martial arts since the early nineties, and is the former owner of his own karate studio.  Brian’s skills in the arts have allowed him to share his knowledge at national and international seminars.  Brian has taught throughout the United States, Canada and Europe. If you would like to speak directly to Brian you can do so at

Mr. Dan D'Onfro

8th Degree Black Belt

Dan D'Onfro began his training in the martial arts in 1985 in Joe Rossi Style Filipino Kun Tao under Ralph Burgamo of Cheshire, CT. Dan started his training in American Kenpo as a charter member of the WKKA in 1991. In 1998, he opened Dan D'Onfro's World-Class Kenpo Karate Academy of Dartmouth, MA.   Dan has been training under Tony Cogliandro and is the Executive Vice-President of American Kenpo International.

Montaser A Nuwar

7th Degree Black Belt

Montaser A Nuwar started martial arts in Egypt in the early 70's and started Kenpo in the late 80's. He holds a seventh degree under Mr. Manny Reyes, Sr EP Kenpo of 30+ years.  Montaser has been sharing the art of Kenpo worldwide for more than 20 years

He opened Kenpo for the first time in Jordan and Egypt and held the 1st and largest Kenpo and martial arts charity for the children's cancer hospital in Cairo.


Montaser holds the ambassador position from the world Sokiship council to Jordan and he is the representative of Jordan martial arts to the Sokiship World Council.


He is a life member of the World Kenpo Federation, Kenpo International, lnternational Brotherhood of Kenpo, World head of family Sokiship council and Action magazine hall of honor

Michael Miller

6th Degree Black Belt

Michael Miller has been studying American Kenpo for 30 years and currently holds a 5th degree black belt. He has extensive training under Grandmaster Dave Hebler, Grandmaster Michael Robert Pick, Grandmaster Rainer Schulte, and Master Sean Kelley. Aside from those mentioned, Miller has taken several seminars under some of the most prestigious Kenpoists alive.

Aside from American Kenpo, Miller was an undefeated amateur boxer, a wrestler (5th-12th grades), and has cross-trained in Joe Lewis Fighting Systems (directly under Joe Lewis), Modern Arnis (under Tim Hartman), Superfoot Systems (directly under Bill “Superfoot” Wallace), Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (under five different instructors), and dabbled in Judo, Krav Maga, and Wing Chun.

Miller has been running his fulltime martial arts school, Miller’s Kenpo Karate Dojo, in Bradford, PA since 2005. He has taught martial arts and self-defense seminars all throughout the United States and Germany. He was one of 32 Honorees featured in The Journey: Book 3 highlighting the next generation of top American Kenpoists in the world to carry the torch forward.

Holding a Bachelor of Arts degree in writing from the University of Pittsburgh, Miller is also a professional writer who has currently written six books, two of which as a co-author. Miller’s most prestigious books are Martial Intellect and Kenpo Perspectives. He co-wrote The Elvis Experience with Dave Hebler and Journeying Beyond the Mountaintop with Tom Bleecker.


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Friday/ Saturday October 4th, 5th, 2024

Friday Night: 6:00pm to 9:00pm




World Class Kenpo Karate Academy

360 Faunce Corner Road

North Dartmouth, MA 02747

Phone: 508.999.9552


Join us for our Annual International Brotherhood Kenpo Karate Seminar in Dartmouth! All are invited and all levels are welcome! You DO NOT have to be a member of the Brotherhood to participate.
We have a great lineup including Mr. Sibora Chan, 9th Degree Black Belt; Mr. Dan Meck, 8th Degree Black Belt; Mr. Angelo Collado, 9th Degree Black Belt; Mr. Dan D' Onfro, 8th Degree Black Belt and Mr. Brian Sahl, 6th Degree Black Belt. Each instructors will be conducting a comprehensive seminar on
Kenpo Self Defense techniques, Forms and Sets on concepts and principles of Kenpo. We look forward to seeing you there!



SEPTEMBER 20-21, 2024



9245 Miley Drive, Suite 110

Winter Garden, FL 34787

Phone: 844.536.7635


We are really excited about our debut in Orlando, Florida. We think it will be a great event! Join US!!!! On Friday & Saturday September 20-21, 2024. Friday Night will be Weapons Combative Seminars and will starts at 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Saturday at 10:00am to 11:30am, we will be opening up with the "Kenpo Kids Seminar" with the Masters! Followed by pictures and autograph! Teens and Adults seminars will start at 12:00pm to 3:30pm. Open to all levels. All are invited!
Instructors: Mr. Sibora Chan, 9th Degree Black Belt; Mr. Dan Meck, 8th Degree Black Belt; Mr. Angelo Collado, 9th Degree Black Belt. We're looking forward to seeing you there! Don't Miss This Opportunity to train with some of the Best in Kenpo!





OCTOBER 19TH, 2024
1:00PM TO 4:00PM

Chester Springs, Pennsylvania

Alright everyone! We're bringing it BACK by Popular Demand!! Weapons Combative Seminar and Pig Roast Party!! Join Mr. Sibora Chan, 9th Degree Black Belt and Mr. Dan Meck, 8th Degree Black Belt for an opportunity to get together, get some training done before the holidays season is here. It's a fun, informative seminar and Brotherhood camaraderie! This seminar will cover STICK, GUN & KNIFE Combative, Defense and Disarms. Don't Miss It!! It's Gonna Be a BLAST!!


In my opinion, of the all the seminars I have been to, the Brotherhood seminars are the best. The instructors will not tell you that the way you learned a technique is wrong, but will show you how they do it, leaving it up to you to decide which way you think is best.  The instructors are very knowledgeable about Kenpo and are approachable for anyone having questions.  Since my first Brotherhood seminar I have attended 3 or 4 Brotherhood seminars a year and plan to continue attending future ones.
— Paul Bolk

Contact Us

International Brotherhood of Kenpo Karate

671 Saint Matthews Road

Chester Springs, PA


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 2017 International Brotherhood of Kenpo Karate

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